Private Artistic Nudes Photo Shoot With Playboy Model Veronika LaVery
Saturday, March 1st, 2025
4 pm - 7 pm
3434 Oxsheer Drive
Austin, TX
Cost: $199
I've lined up yet another stellar glamour model - this time, it's Playboy model Veronika LaVery on Saturday, March 1st from 4:00 pm - 7:00 pm at my place, 3434 Oxsheer Drive. Veronika is a great model and fun to shoot with. Veronika is on ModelMayhem at this link - or you can see photos on Google at this link
As usual, I will provide lighting and sets. Shooting style will be glamour with full nudity. Event is limited to six shooters. Shooting will take place one at a time in rotation.
Please visit this link to register and make payment -
Alternatively, email me at [email protected] to set up a different payment method.
Given the exceptional nature of this event, payment is required to RSVP. Space is limited to the first six people who sign up.
See you there!